Deputy Minister Information and Communication Technology, Member of Parliament, Republic of Namibia

  • 02:14 - Success lies in the foundations of our mindset
  • 05:24- Taking the decision to learn how to know, for life
  • 10:11​ - Open-mindedness creates opportunities to bring solutions for the collective
  • 14:34- Giving access to children to ICT expands their opportunities beyond their living environment
  • 19:25- “Dear little Emma, trust your instinct, you’re doing great!”
  • 21:54- Collaboration with other people is key to achieving a vision greater than ourselves

Stella BIDA, in conversation with Hon. Emma THEOFELUS, Deputy Minister Information and Communication Technology, Member of Parliament, Republic of Namibia

Summarised conversation transcript

This is a summary version of the conversation. More details, stories, and amazing insights are mentioned in the video!

Stella BIDA, in conversation with Hon. Emma THEOFELUS, Deputy Minister Information and Communication Technology, Member of Parliament, Republic of Namibia

STELLA BIDA: Hi everyone and welcome today's Conversation of Excellence! Today, I am welcoming Hon. Emma Theofelus. She is a Member of Parliament, Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, for the Republic of Namibia. Emma, welcome to this conversation, I'm so excited to welcome you today! 

HON. EMMA THEOFELUS: Thank you so much Stella for having me. 

STELLA BIDA: Emma, is there anything about you that you would already love people to know, as an introduction? 

HON. EMMA THEOFELUS: Well, I guess I'm just an ordinary 24 years old young woman, who had the privilege of having an education. I am a qualified Lawyer in the Republic of Namibia. I'm passionate about women and children. I learned very quickly at a young age just by observing, that the reason why some people succeed more than others is because of their foundation, how they were brought up. Having the right foundations is important.

Success lies in the foundations of our mindset

STELLA BIDA: What have been the most important elements of your foundation, which allowed you to be where you are today?

HON. EMMA THEOFELUS: Well, I think the first one is having the confidence to venture into different kinds of things. This confidence was derived from a support system, a support system of my parents and teachers. I think it is what got me to where I am, having the confidence and belief that I can do the best I can do. Even if it's not excellent, as long as I do the best that I can and that I'm happy in what I've done. I can always try again, and again, and again!

Taking the decision to learn how to know, for life

STELLA BIDA: Emma, I went to your website a few days ago and there was a section called « Inside Emma's Brain ». Can you share with us why this chapter is so important for you, and what is actually inside Emma's brain?

HON. EMMA THEOFELUS:  I think that it's an individual journey. When I was younger, people were always so fascinated about the stories I could make up. Somebody would ask me about any random thing, and I would have no knowledge of it. I probably would never even have known the word, but I would come up with this story and make it flow! I would just come up with something even though there was nothing!

I realized that I've carried that my whole life, but I was challenged when not knowing something. I therefore took the time to learn about these things that I did not know about.

When I was really young, I had two things that I enjoyed in my life: television and books. I enjoyed television, I enjoyed learning the language of English, the new words. My vocabulary grew and when I became a good reader, the books even opened up a bigger world for me. So the more I realized that there's so much more I can learn, the more I realized that my brain needs to absorb all of this somehow. I realized actually that I could trust my brain.

I can tell you that I remember what I learned in the seventh grade! I remember that because I didn't learn to pass the exam. I learned the knowledge to be able to use it for life.

I took a decision to learn to know for life. So whatever I learned, I didn't just learn to pass an exam, or to pass a test, or to complete an assignment in class. I learned to know, and with the hope that I will use it later on in my life.

Open-mindedness creates opportunities to bring solutions for the collective

STELLA BIDA: What did you then « put into your brain » a few years ago, that has allowed you to be the great leader that you are today?

HON. EMMA THEOFELUS: Oh that's a difficult one! I've actually not thought of that, but I think it would be two things: open-mindedness and the ability to continuously learn.

I always try to keep an open mind. I think my confidence contributed to people feeling that they can trust me with my leadership. Being trusted in leadership positions that I sometimes felt I was not ready for, I was willing to learn. In becoming a leader, I realized that you need to have an open mind, whether it's with regards to your followers, or situations that might find you.

Concerning the second point, about being able to continuously learn, I learned from my followers, I learned from my colleagues, I learned from people that I was leading. I didn't  believe that my leading style was the best, or that everything that I said was the only way. To overcome all the challenges, I learned to listen, to learn from others and to collaborate. Also, I learned to use their knowledge alongside my knowledge.

I also think that what helped me a lot and made me a leader, is the ability to listen and to understand where people are coming from, and to accept their leading style, or their outlook on life. It has been about using that to my advantage, in order to bring up solutions for the collective.

Giving access to children to ICT expands their opportunities beyond their living environment

STELLA BIDA: What is the change you that really matters to you today?

HON. EMMA THEOFELUS: There's so much that needs to happen here in Namibia, on the African continent, all over the world. But for me in all honesty, if every child in the world gets equal opportunities to education, we're going to have great societies.

This relates to healthcare being available to children, to ensure that they get the assistance they need. Also that they have a great education, that they have access to ICT, because this allows people to have access to opportunities, beyond their living environment.

I would also add the help of safety for children, to have them feel safe, away from violence. So that they do not need to heal from traumas of childhood when they grow up.

"Dear little Emma, trust your instinct, you’re doing great!”

STELLA BIDA: Emma, if you could have a conversation now with your 10 y.o self, what would you tell her?

HON. EMMA THEOFELUS: If I was to go back to 10 y.o Emma, I would tell her to trust her instincts.

I think when I was younger, I told you that I was encouraged to try all kinds of things, and at some point it did bring a lot of confusion. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what I'd like to be. I just felt I don't have it figure it out. And I think because there was so much doubt and so much uneasiness, I wasn't sure if what I was doing is really going to contribute to a good future.

So I would go back to 10 y.o Emma and tell her: « Trust your instinct Emma, you're doing good! Continue what you're doing, continue doing it at your best of your ability. You're doing great!

Collaboration with other people is key to achieving a vision greater than ourselves

STELLA BIDA: For the last minutes, I wanted just to leave you an open floor. What is the question that I've not asked you, that would contribute to people knowing that they have the power to make things happen?

HON. EMMA THEOFELUS: I think that something I came to learn as I took on bigger and bigger roles of leadership, is that sometimes your vision can be a component of someone else's bigger vision, and other people's visions fit into your Vision.

What I'm trying to say here is where you're going, and where you want to go, most of the times you cannot achieve it on your own. Yes, you have a path you want to follow which will come with obstacles - that is guaranteed - but you will not get yourself out of those obstacles alone. Sometimes you need the help of others.

So you need to find people who are like you who can align to your vision, and that you can align your vision to theirs.

So learn how to work with others, be a team player, learn to collaborate. Sometimes you need to park your vision and help someone else's. Once they're on their own good path, tehy might also reciprocate that to others, or yourself. There's no perfect formula! But learn to collaborate and be there for others. Because your vision must be bigger than yourself! It cannot only serve you, it needs to serve other people, but that requires also other people's input.

STELLA BIDA: Thank you Emma. Thank you for being with us in the Conversations of Excellence. I have been personally nourished during these last minutes, and I know that the ones who are listening today also have been inspired by your experience.

HON. EMMA THEOFELUS: Thank you Stella for having me, I had a great time. Your questions are so unique, and made me think and reflect, so thank you.

STELLA BIDA: Thank you Emma, bye.


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